Miscellaneous Service Charge Bylaw No. 80
A bylaw to establish miscellaneous service fees and other charges payable to the Improvement District and the terms of payment thereof.
The board of trustees of the Sointula Waterworks Improvement District ENACT AS FOLLOWS:
1. The following general service fees are hereby fixed and made payable to the district:
a). Photocopies will be charged at the rate of $0.25 per page.
b). Any other costs for reproduction, duplication or shipping will be at actual cost of the work.
c). A charge of $5.00 for each request for information on change of ownership or mortgage registration.
d). A charge of $5.00 is levied for each time a cheque is processed in payment of an account with the improvement district which does not clear the payer’s account due to insufficient funds.
e). For information requests pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, a maximum fee may be charged for locating and retrieving a record, preparing it for disclosure or producing it manually, as set out in the Regulation to that Act.
2. Where staff or equipment of the district are requested to render service, the party requesting such work, service or materials will pay the following charges:
a). For staff, the charge will be at the contractor’s wage rate for that time period plus 10%.
b). For equipment, the equivalent to rental rate from an outside agency.
c). For materials, at actual cost plus 10%.
3. For all charges in excess of $10.00, all firms and individuals will be invoiced no later than month end and terms of payment will be net 30 days. Where possible, for charges less than this, payment is to be at time of service.
4. This by-law may be cited as the “Miscellaneous Service Charge Bylaw No. 80”.