Bylaw #120 – 2024 Tolls Bylaw

Sointula Waterworks District
2024 Tolls BYLAW NO. 120

A bylaw for fixing tolls and other charges payable to the district and the terms of payment thereof.

The Trustees of Sointula Waterworks District ENACT AS FOLLOWS:

The following tolls are hereby fixed and made payable by all owners of land in the district to which water is delivered from the works of the district:


Dwelling Unit” means one or more habitable rooms, that consists of a self-contained unit, that includes cooking, bathroom, and sleeping facilities and a separate external doorway/entrance.

Duplex” means two approximately equal sized Dwelling Units that occupy the same building envelope.

Recreational Vehicle” is a motor vehicle or trailer that includes living quarters designed for accommodation. Types of RVs include motorhomes, campervans, coaches, caravans, travel trailers, campers, fifth-wheel trailers, popup campers, and truck campers.

Residential Dwelling Unit” is a dwelling unit used or intended to be used as the permanent residence or home of one family, which may be owned or rented for its intended use.

Residential property” means a parcel of land that is zoned for residential use, or mixed residential and other uses.

Suite” means one or more habitable rooms, constituting a self-contained unit, that may include separate cooking, bathroom, and sleeping facilities, that is in addition to the primary dwelling unit, which may be owned or rented for its intended use and is not classified as a Duplex.

Rental Suite,” means a Suite or room which is operated, as advertised or not, to be shared with a small number of transient guests.



(R) The following annual fee shall apply to each Dwelling Unit on a residential property that has water

  • supplied from the Sointula Waterworks distribution system, regardless of whether there is a separate water service connection or not. A Duplex shall be considered as two Dwelling Units for the purposes of this bylaw. $430.00

(S) The following annual fee shall apply to each Suite or Rental Suite operating within any Dwelling Unit

  • on a residential property, supplied with water from the Sointula Waterworks distribution system, regardless of whether there is a separate water service connection or not. This fee shall also apply to each occupied Recreational Vehicle (RV) parked on a property that is supplied with water from the Sointula Waterworks system. $210.00


  • Annual fee for each unit in Harmony Glen Seniors Residence: $108.00


The following fees shall apply to each of the following users, where the fee is not based upon metered amounts of water used.


  • Each Commercial or Industrial User shall pay an annual base fee of: $880.00

Examples of Commercial users:

Retail Store, Restaurants, Coffee Shops, Drinking Establishment, Deli, Bakery, Hotel/Motel, Post Office, Fish Plant, Fish Company, Harbour, Schools, Laundromat, Shower block, Car wash or any other commercial or industrial operation that utilizes water supplied by the Sointula Waterworks District distribution system;

Plus any additional fees that may apply, as described below;

  • for each office or leased unit, whether operated separately or

in conjunction with any other type of business: $130.00

  • for each sleeping room available for rent (without cooking facilities): $130.00

  • for each room or Suite available for rent (with cooking facilities): $210.00

  • for each classroom in a school: $100.00

  • for each unit in a washroom or shower block: $100.00

  • for each unit in a car wash: $100.00

  • for each Finger at a Harbour: $430.00

  • for a Fishing Processing Facility: $3250.00

  • for each Finger operated by a Sports or Commercial Fishing Operation: $430.00

  • for Ice Making facilities

    • capacity under 10 tons per day: $2080.00
    • capacity over 10 tons per day: $4700.00

The district has determined that the following are currently exempt of Water Toll charges: Public Health/Medical Centres, Public Museum, Public Seniors Centre, Community Church, Public Recreation Association buildings, Public Library, Public Fire Hall, and Community Garden Connections.

Inspection and Turn Water On/Off Fees

  • Any property owner can request the turn off/on of service by submitting written notice to Sointula Water board Office seven days in advance of the requested service date, except in the case of an emergency, and shall at the same time pay the fee for each request: $75.00 On or Off

The owners of premises will have the option of being billed Monthly, Bi-monthly or Yearly. Monthly or by-monthly tolls are due and payable on or before the last day of the month or second month. Tolls paid in full for one calendar year, within thirty (30) days of the billing date, or by arrangement prior to the billing date, will qualify for a discount of 10 percent (10%) of the total amount payable. The district may on 24 hours written notice and by trustee resolution order termination of water service to any premises on which there are any tolls or other charges owing for ninety days past the due date. Water shut off under this section will be subject to connection/re-connection fees.

The owner of premises, whether occupied or vacant, to which a service connection has been made shall be responsible for the payment of all water tolls whether water is actually used or not; but the Trustees may by resolution reduce any toll fixed in the preceding clauses in respect of any premises not occupied throughout any period by an amount commensurate with the period the premises are unoccupied, provided the owner or occupant notifies the Trustees in writing as to the time the premises become or are to become unoccupied and the water supply is shut off for the period when the premises are not occupied, subject to the charges levied under this bylaw.

This bylaw repeals Bylaw Bylaw No 118 “Nineteenth Tolls Bylaw, 2023.
This bylaw may be cited as the Bylaw No. 120Twentieth Tolls Bylaw, 2024
INTRODUCED and given first reading by the Trustees on the 23rd day of January, 2024.
RECONSIDERED and given second reading by the Trustees on the 13th day of February, 2024.
RECONSIDERED and finally passed by the Trustees on the 13th day of February, 2024.

I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Bylaw No. 120.
Heather Orr [signed]
Chair of the Trustees

I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Bylaw No. 120
Darryl Luscombe [signed]      Date: 13 February 2024