Sointula Waterworks District
2017 Tax Sales Charge BYLAW NO. 101
A bylaw for imposing a charge upon lands subject to tax sale in order to recover the expense incurred by the Sointula Waterworks District related to the tax sale.
The Trustees of the Sointula Waterworks District ENACT AS FOLLOWS:
1. There is hereby fixed and made payable to the improvement district against each parcel of land proposed to be sold at tax sale, a charge not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2500.00). This charge is to cover all actual costs incurred including, but not limited to legal fees levied to undertake the process, administration, postage, advertising and hall rental.
2. The aforementioned charge shall form part of the upset price of the parcel being sold at tax sale, pursuant to Section 762 of the Local Government Act.
3. Any property that may become eligible for the tax sale process must first be notified in writing prior to the start of the process that this charge is in effect, and that this charge will be levied on the commencement of the process. If the outstanding taxes are paid in full prior to the tax sale date, only that portion of the amount in Section 1 that has been expended will be collected.
4. This bylaw is cited as the “Tax Sale Charge Bylaw”.
INTRODUCED and given first reading by the Trustees on the 11th day of April, 2017
RECONSIDERED and finally passed by the Trustees on the 11th day of April, 2017