Connection Charge BYLAW NO. 75
A bylaw for fixing the connection charge payable to the improvement district and the time of payment thereof.
The Trustees of Sointula Waterworks Improvement District ENACT AS FOLLOWS:
1. Definitions:
Service Connection – means the pipeline installation from the improvement district’s main to the property line of the property to be served, when such property line coincides with the established road allowance. Service connection will include the installation of a curb stop.
2. Application for Water
a. Application for water must be made in writing to the improvement district, delivered to the Officer, and must be in such form as the Trustees may, from time to time, prescribe, and must be signed by the applicant who must be the owner or an authorized agent of the owner of the property in respect of which application for water is made.
b. Each application for water must be accompanied by the prescribed charges as set in this bylaw.
c. No water will be supplied upon any application until all fees and charges for water connection, meter installation or other monies required by the improvement district to be paid have been paid in full.
d. Each application must contain the name of the owner, the legal description of the land parcel, specific details of the type and extent of development to be served, and the type of water service required.
3. Connection Charge
Every applicant for a connection to the works must pay to the improvement district the total cost of labour, materials, permits and any other items required to install the service connection, plus a non-refundable inspection and administration charge of fifty dollars ($ 50.00).
4. The Trustees may, subject to the prior payment of the above charges, require the property owner or his representative to carry out the installation of the service connection or any part thereof, subject to the standards set for the improvement district.
5. The minimum deposit to be made at the time of application for a connection is five hundred dollars ($ 500.00).
6. Where the cost of labour and materials expended by the improvement district in installing the connection exceeds the minimum deposit against actual cost as set out above, the improvement district will recover the balance to be paid forthwith after the installation of the service connection, and the water will not be turned on until this balance is paid.
7. Where the cost of labour and materials expended by the improvement district in installing the connection is less than the minimum deposit against actual cost as set out above, the improvement district will refund the balance to the applicant as soon as practical.
8. This bylaw repeals Bylaw No. 37.
9. The bylaw may be cited as the “Connection Charge Bylaw”.